Sunday, May 30, 2010

Notes On Printing Your Own Booklets, LBB Style

There's a swell tutorial on how to assemble your own home-made gaming booklets right here, and let me tell you that it took a funnin' trip to the Death Star to find it on the web (I ended up stumbling across a link at Grognardia. Thanks, Google.)

It's a swell tutorial indeed, very simple but then so is the job itself.

Or is it?

Before you embark on your own DIY LBB/pdf-to-booklet project, please take this advice from someone who just completed one such project and has the sore hand, tight shoulders and stratospheric blood pressure to prove it:

1. Using Adobe Reader's "Print As Booklet" function is easy to do, unless your printer -like mine- has a thing for grabbing more than one damn sheet of paper at once, which, when you're printing the second side of a double-sided sheet, can eff up your page count like the Deuce, which will require you to count the remaining pages, print them by hand, make sure that you feed the sheets back in with the right facing and orientation and account for the fact that the numbering on the pages themselves is not always the same as the numbering of the .pdf's pages themselves.

2. In lieu of an extended-reach stapler, paper clips will do just fine -- just as the above page suggests. In a pinch, though, your wife's heaviest beading wire will do the trick.

3. No ice pick? Use a thumbtack.

And here's the big one...

4. Trimming the outer edge of your booklet with a hand-held paper cutter and getting anything other than a chewed-up, nicked, uneven, ugly-ass edge is pure damn ridiculous Moon-talk fantasy. And it's not even the good kind of damn ridiculous Moon-talk fantasy, with the Selenites and the Moon-princesses and the Cavorite and stuff. No, no, no, this is self-deception of the most annoying effing kind. That jazz ain't happenin' unless you're some kinda laser-guided robot with monofilament paper-trimmers for hands.

Again: Tutorial = good.

Trying to do it when you are an easily-frustrated perfectionist maladroit = not so much.