Tuesday, October 16, 2007

INDIANA: Land Of No Game Conventions For Doc Rotwang!, For The Most Part

See...here's the the thing.

I've mentioned before that my job blacks out time off during August, because that's when students come back and it's ridiculously busy. So while I'm raking in lots and lots of of sweet overtime luchre, I can't go spend it where I'd like to spend it, which is Gencon.

So, no Gencon for Doc.

Okay. But there's also InConJunction. That's July 4th, but my wife can't get July 4th weekend off, so while it looks nice (I've never been to it because I'm an idiot), I'm less likely to go without her. So...shaky.

Oh, but what about Pentacon? Well, maybe. But click the link and you'll see why I'm not even sure it's going to happen this year. Apparently, if I wait 23 years...

Ah, but what about all those other gaming cons in Indiana, you ask? Surely, there must be tons of them, no?

