Sunday, September 04, 2011

Thinkin' Trekkie Thoughts: Who Plays the Captain?

If you didn't know that Fenway5 aka C. R. Brandon, author of Rogue Space and other games, has released the beta of Far Trek, then you should know that Fenway5 aka C. R. Brandon, author of Rogue Space and other games, has released the beta of Far Trek.

I'm reading it right now 'cause I finished Lyonesse (which was THE BUSINESS by the way), and I'm pretty happy with it.  I was thinking related thoughts as I took my coffee mug to the sink just now and had this idea (which may not be knew and in fact may have been published before, but it's on my mind at the moment):

Q: Who gets to play the Captain?
A: Everybody.

'Fact, the Captain is not only played by everyone but CREATED by everyone, together.  All the players collaborate on creating the Captain's personality and so on.  That way everyone has a handle on him or her, which is good because of this next paragraph.

During play, control of the Captain, and all the decisions that he or she makes, is shared by the players.  It can either be communal, such that whoever wants to be the Captain can do so at any time, or it can be by turns.  Everyone gets to speak for their Commanding Officer, and so on.

Okay, back to reading.